
Communist Party of Swaziland pays tribute to Madiba

South Africa, and indeed the oppressed people of the world have lost a great leader, a revolutionary, and an inspiration for revolutionary change.

The Communist Party of Swaziland extends its heartfelt condolences to the South African people on the occasion of the passing of comrade Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.

South Africa, and indeed the oppressed people of the world have lost a great leader, a revolutionary, and an inspiration for revolutionary change.

Madiba understood that only fundamental change in the world would create egalitarian societies free from the oppression of one class or social group over another.

He aligned himself with the communist cause, and remained true to the essence of a socialist vision for South Africa and the rest of the world.

The eulogies now pouring out from the mass media across the world by enlarge depict a deified icon, devoid of revolutionary edge, smooching with celebrities and charity front-men, and only concerned to issue facile platitude about individual motivation and inspiration.

The intended or unintended effect of such outpourings is to obscure the revolutionary figure by mists of sentimentality, to make Madiba’s political activity and activist life appear as solely an individual journey rather than an expression of mass action, political decision-making and party discipline, and comradely joint struggle.

These revolutionary qualities are constantly ignored by the bourgeois media and political world, which in the past, when Madiba and many others were imprisoned and persecuted, had no time or sympathy for the struggle of the ANC and its allies, let alone that of millions of black South Africans who suffered Apartheid oppression.

The CPS extends its unequivocal solidarity with the African National Congress, the South African Communist Party and the Congress of South African Trade Unions in their efforts to keep the true revolutionary spirit of comrade Madiba alive and an integral part of the effort to pursue the national democratic revolution.

South Africa’s freedom, which the ANC alliance so bravely and successfully achieved, remains the greatest source of inspiration for the people of Swaziland, who continue to be oppressed by a minority regime wholly opposed to democracy.

Comrade Madiba is our greatest source of inspiration, alongside other great revolutionaries, such as Lenin, Che Guevara, Patrice Lumumba, Agostinho Neto, Oliver Tambo, Chris Hani, Joe Slovo and many more. The struggle to keep his revolutionary identity alive is part and parcel of the struggle to end the oppression he so ardently fought against.

Hamba kahle comrade Madiba.

Long live the struggle for freedom, equality and democracy.

Long live socialism.


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