Our view

I think national parliament should also re-consider the support given to our polygamous president with so many wives who are lso beneficiaries of the state.

If there’s one person who made my day last it is Finance minister, Mr Pravin Gordhan when he made a very bold move to introduce cost curtailments within the public sector.

Gone will be the days when ministers and aother high ranking officials enjoyed the privilege of driving in vehicles of their choice which cost the taxpayer dearly. gone also are the days when they enjoyed the privilege of travelling first class or business class on flights and five star hotels.

In essence, this cost curtailment should have long been introduced in this country because, when you measure the budgets of government institutions, more than 60 percent goes towards staff salaries and perks, in the process, service delivery is only budgeted for almost between 30 and 40 percent of the entire budget.

How on earth do we expect to see service delivery improving or being accomplished when a bulk of the money is utilised on personnel.

I think national parliament should also re-consider the support given to our polygamous president with so many wives who are lso beneficiaries of the state. Really, if we are to see change and improvement, one wife should be the benficiary, the rest will benefit from his salray, which is very fat, of course. what do you think?

It’s only fair on the electorate and taxpayers for our leadership to play fairly when it comes to expenditure of government funds. another welcome gesture from Gordhan is the banishment of alcohol at government functions – but that one, some have long not been practising it, although there are some who have gone to the extent of submitting an invoice of R1 million for liquor only at a provoncial function.

The current circumstances has only seen individuals growing rather than the economy growing. Gordhan really needs a pat on the shoulder for a job well done, only if it will really be implemented as he has suggested.

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