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Churches, families and schools are the best institutions to help in instilling the values of modesty among the youth.

Modesty can be understood in simple language as simplicity and relevance. Therefore, a modest person is one who lives the simple way. They dress up simply and have their make-up and hair in a simplistic, yet appropriate manner. Furthermore, modest people do not brag and are not proud of their attributes or achievements.

It is very worrying to see young people failing to comprehend the importance of being beautiful in a simple and appropriate manner. Lately, looking beautiful seems to be more about heavy layers of make-up, fake hair, fake lashes and nails, mini dresses and cleavage exposure. All these are not wrong per se, but the intensity and context at which they are done, becomes an issue, especially for people who work in the formal sectors.

As young people in the pursuit for a better life, it is important that we start thinking about issues of modesty. Modesty says a lot about one’s maturity, our looks are unfortunately some of the aspects people use to judge the content in our brains. Our looks become our uniform.

Policemen and women are easily distinguished with their uniform, same as nurses and others. So for the rest of us who do not wear uniform to work, it becomes imperative that we wear appropriately, and present ourselves appropriately in a way that any person can see that we are young professionals. My point is, it is very important to create impressions which will last in the best possible manner. Extra long eyelashes and strong-colored lipsticks and cleavage are a NO NO in the office.

Modesty of speech is one other important aspect. This is the ability to sift words, know what to share and when to share it, be it in personal conversations or on social media. There is a thin line between talking to inspire and bragging. Sometimes society can simply judge our testimonies as bragging. Therefore, knowing what and how much to reveal about oneself is very important.

The best way to ensure sustainable modesty is to practice it from the heart, then it can manifest on the outside. It seems more natural when it starts from the heart and it becomes much easier to maintain it. In fact many scholars who have studied the subject are convinced that modesty is easily attained when it becomes a lifestyle.

Churches, families and schools are the best institutions to help in instilling the values of modesty among the youth. Passiveness of these institutions leaves too much of this responsibility on the media, which does not help at all.

Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity and wish all the Matriculants of 2013 all the very best with their exams. Hard work does pay off.

Hlengiwe is a: Corprate MC, a Columnist, Magazine Features writer, Radio Entertainment Reporter.bea

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