Police rescue kidnapped Barberton family

One of the suspects was shot dead and another one was arrested. The three other perpetrators are still on the run.

A Barberton man, his wife and their nine-month-old baby boy escaped unscathed when the police rescued them from their kidnappers on Friday, January 3.

This after five armed robbers stormed into the family’s home in Barberton at about 21:45 that evening and held them hostage. The intruders stole an undisclosed amount of cash and some other items, before forcing the three victims into the family’s white Ford Ranger.

“As they were driving around, some SAPS members who were busy with routine patrols spotted the suspicious bakkie, and acting out of vigilance, the officers gave chase,” said a provincial police spokesperson, Brigadier Donald Mdhluli.

He said the suspects refused to stop when they were signalled to do so and instead fired shots at the cops. “The officers responded accordingly to defend themselves.

“It was during this time when one of the suspects was shot dead,” added Mdhluli.

One suspect, aged 35, was subsequently arrested and it was only then that the SAPS discovered the family were being held hostage.

The three other perpetrators managed to flee on foot and the police are looking for them.

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The SAPS recovered the bakkie, a 9mm pistol, a magazine, 27 rounds of live ammunition and some household items belonging to the victims.

“The recovered firearm will undergo ballistic testing to determine whether it has been used in previous crimes. Depending on these results more charges could be added against the suspect,” said Mdhluli.

He said the suspect in custody is facing charges of house robbery, kidnapping, attempted murder of police officers and the unlawful possession of an unlicenced firearm and ammunition.

The shooting incident is being investigated by the Independent Police Investigative Directorate.

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The acting provincial police commissioner, Major General Dr Zeph Mkhwanazi, condemned the attacks on police officers, saying it is a direct attack on the state.

He also commended the officers for their good work.

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