Bushbuckridge women master iron stallions

The main purpose of the event was to deal with the stigma that motorcycles are for men only and are dangerous.

Macingwane Riding Academy (MRA) hosted an event to address the issue of so few women being in the motorbiking fraternity. The event was recently held in Bushbuckridge. More than 50 women turned up on their iron horses.

The director of MRA, Vincent Mchunu, said it showed that many women are interested in motorbiking and his wish is to see more of them joining biker clubs, especially in the rural areas.

At the event, women were offered free basic motorbike training in honour of the role they played in 1956 when 20 000 of them marched against the pass laws of the time.

Thulisile Msithini.

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“I want to end the stigma that motorbikes are too dangerous for women. I also sought to aid those who have an interest in biking, but lack information about it. I brought experienced women riders to share their experiences with those interested. Those undergoing training for motorcycle licences also shared their anxiety and experiences with these women. The attendees were given theoretical and practical basic training. They also rode motorcycles under the supervision of experienced bikers,” he said.

Portia Nxumalo. Photos: Supplied/Vincent Mchunu

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Mchunu further said he would continue to support women who want to be part of the biking community and called on men to support women who want to join and to assist them where they are able, because women are capable of doing what men can do.

During the event, Sun Riders MC president, Bheki Mafuwane, and treasurer general, Thuli Msithini, shared biking safety measures.

They also taught women who wanted to join biker clubs what rules to follow and promised to support them when they became members.

Portia Nxumalo.

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