Buscor donates kits to Matsulu Cricket Club

Dr Nora Fakude motivated the young players of the Matsulu Cricket Club and encouraged them to focus on school and sport.

Buscor’s executive chariperson, Dr Nora Fakude, has encouraged young Matsulu-based cricket players to take this sport and their educational careers seriously.

Fakude encouraged the young players of the Matsulu Cricket Club when she was donating brand-new cricket kits and balls, bats, helmets and gloves, courtesy of Buscor at the Matsulu-based Takheleni Primary School on Sunday.

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“There is a great need for this particular sport to also feature in townships and rural areas, just to bridge the gap created by the apartheid system. We need to break the myth that cricket is a ‘white man’s’ sport. I am happy to be here today, because this day signifies that this sport is slowly making its way into our areas. It pleases me to see so many young people taking an interest in this sport,” said Fakude. “Therefore, my children, you need to take this sport seriously, because there is a future in it. But also of importance, you need to invest in your education so that you are better armed for the future. We will continue to support you in your journey.”

This sport is keeping these children from the streets and away from the life of crime and drug abuse.

Fakude also made a clarion call on other local businesses to consider supporting sports development initiatives such as these in the region.
Her company continues to support many community-uplifting programmes and helps provide social relief to destitute families and centres.

Fakude said she saw the impact the sport made in the community of Matsulu and on the youth and decided to get involved. “This sport is keeping these children from the streets and away from the life of crime and drug abuse,” added Fakude.

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