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Schoolchildren participate in anti-bullying campaign in KaBokweni

The anti-bullying campaign featured some speakers, and the learners performed various acts in support of the cause.

Bongalambo Primary School’s annual anti-bullying campaign was deemed more fruitful this year as children managed to voice their challenges, including the bullying they face in school and at home.

The campaign took place on November 15 at the school just outside KaBokweni, with the aim to educate and create more awareness among the learners.

The school’s life orientation teacher, Simangele Nkosi, said an invitation was extended to their local SAPS station and other organisations to participate in engaging with the learners.

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“Bullying comes in various forms such as cyberbullying, harassment and racial degradation. We need to constantly create awareness so that the learners are able to identify it and report it immediately to the school so that further action can be taken to protect the victims.”

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“The learners were engaged and they responded well to the speakers. The campaign yielded positive results as learners came forward and reported bullying incidents. The Bongamlambo Soul Buddyz, a team of learners against bullying, performed dances, poems and songs about anti-bullying,” Nkosi said.

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