IN PHOTOS: Annual Daredevil Run a success in Mbombela

The annual Hollard Daredevil Run was recently held at Mbombela Stadium and saw men run 5km in purple speedos, all for a good cause.

Pockets of men in purple Speedos popped up across Mpumalanga on October 13 to take part in the 5km 2023 Hollard Daredevil Run.

This included a group in Mbombela who were all part of the UXI Pumas Rugby Institute, except for two participants, who ran around the Mbombela Stadium as part of the Daredevil Run, in aid of male cancer awareness.

A statement by Hollard’s head of marketing, Warwick Bloom, said even game rangers had participated and ran through the Kruger National Park.

Innocent Macibelo shows the second of three Speedos he wore for the run. > Photos: Chelsea Pieterse

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He said the run has become a nationwide phenomenon since it was first started in 2009, raising eyebrows and raising awareness about prostate and testicular cancer.

“We set out this year to achieve the biggest and bravest run to date, and we have achieved just that. This run goes from strength to strength each year, and we cannot be prouder,” said Bloom.

Some of the runners had a dance break in the middle of their run.

By 2030, prostate cancer is predicted to be the most common cancer in South Africa, with black African men having an estimated 60% higher risk than other population groups. The survival rate in men whose prostate cancer is detected early enough is 95%. While rare, it is still the most common affecting men between the ages of 15 and 35.

Bloom said all proceeds from the run go to the Cancer Association of South Africa and the Prostate Cancer Foundation of South Africa, to fund testing in underresourced areas and increase awareness, support and research.

Reuben Malatji proudly shows off his purple Hollard Daredevil Run Speedo.
Jaco Jordaan, Dian Hurter, Wihan Venter, Simon Dzomba, Xolani Mthembu and Enrique Cabral.
The runners get ready to participate in the 2023 Hollard Daredevil Run.
Rugby players of the UXI Pumas Rugby Institute cheer ahead of the 2023 Hollard Daredevil Run.
The players get ready to start the run.
The runners had to complete two laps around the Mbombela Stadium.
Xolani Mthembu placed second in the run

Some of the runners engaged in some water sports on the run.
David Mpika took the run in aid of cancer awareness seriously.



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