Mpumalanga EFF wins ward in by-election in Breyten

The EFF councillor candidate, Simphiwe Florence Ngwenya, secured 849 votes, making her the victor.

The Mpumalanga EFF has recorded yet another victory in the by-election held on October 11 in Breyten, Ward 13, in Msukaligwa Local Municipality.

The EFF councillor candidate, Simphiwe Florence Ngwenya, secured 849 votes, while the ANC candidate received 556.

The other party contesting these by-elections, the ACDP, attained nine votes.

The EFF chairperson in Mpumalanga, Collen Sedibe, has welcomed the outcome of these results and cited his party is on a verge of making history in the upcoming 2024 general elections.

“We are profoundly humbled by the overwhelming confidence and trust shown by the people of Breyten. The EFF in Mpumalanga would like to thank the community of Ward 13 for the trust and mandate given to the EFF to govern.

“This victory is proof enough that the people are tired of lack of services, lack of employment and economic opportunities, poverty, landlessness and rampant corruption under the rule of the ANC. The EFF in Mpumalanga reaffirms its commitment and assures the people of Mpumalanga that it will govern differently and always strive to put the needs of the masses and quality services first,” said Sedibe.

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He said they will work around the clock and with speed to deliver basic services to the communities.

Ngwenya became the EFF’s second ward councillor in Mpumalanga, following in the footsteps of Cllr Mafia Fane of Ward 11 in Nkomazi Local Municipality.

“This victory is important to the EFF in Mpumalanga as it comes just months away from the national and provincial elections scheduled for 2024. This victory and that of Mafia Fane are a clear message to the general citizenry of Mpumalanga that the EFF is the only party that can be trusted to free our people from the bondage of poverty and inequalities.”

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“The EFF leadership in Mpumalanga and the Provincial Elections Task Force, as led by the national treasurer general and provincial convener, Commissar Omphile Maotwe, would like to extend their gratitude to each and every fighter and volunteer who worked in unity to deliver this victory. Indeed, 2024 is our 1994,” concluded Sedibe.

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