Zwelisha woman rises up in the baking industry

Daisy Khoza founded Daisy Deli Treats during the pandemic as a way to make an income.

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world, a lot of people lost their jobs. Unfortunately for Daisy Khoza, she became part of the statistics.

This 32-year-old from Zwelisha decided to turn her situation around by starting a baking business. She opened Daisy Deli Treats.


“I was unemployed with a BTech degree in marketing from the Tshwane University of Technology, and running out of money, so I decided to start a baking business. I was encouraged to do this because my friends and family were already admiring my work whenever I was posting on WhatsApp, so I decided to give it a try, and then magic happened.”

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Khoza said her business venture has changed her life and it keeps growing from strength to strength.

“I am now able to pay my daily and monthly bills through baking, and I have added decorations for all kind of functions. I am given opportunities to cater for various functions and it makes me happy to see even leaders believing in my business.”

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Khoza said she wants to urge women who are considering starting their own businesses, to do so.

“I want to advise those who are working to start their businesses before they resign, while they have a source of income, because starting a business when unemployed is not an easy thing to do. It is better if you start it as a small hustle for extra income.”

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