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DA concerned about dropout rate in Mpumalanga schools

According to the DA, the Mpumalanga Department of Education registered 71 369 learners for Grade 12, but only 67 367 wrote the matric exams in 2022

The provincial DA leader and spokesperson for education, Jane Sithole, said the Mpumalanga Department of Education (DoE) should focus on improving learner retention in schools.

“While the DA is happy with the 3.2% pass rate increase, we are concerned about the number of learners who are dropping and ending up not writing the matric exams. In 2020, 94 077 pupils registered for Grade 10, but only 67 367 of those wrote the 2022 finals. What happened to the other 26 710?” Sithole asked.

“It is obvious that these learners dropped out for whatever reasons. This is a 28.4% dropout rate. This is concerning, and it must be addressed as a matter of urgency,” she said.

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Sithole highlighted that 71 369 pupils registered for matric, but only 67 367 wrote the final exams for 2022.

“Where are the other 4 002 learners? If you take into consideration the dropout rate aforementioned, the real pass rate in Mpumalanga for the Class of 2022 is 55%, not 76.8%,” she said.

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The DA urged the DoE to focus on improving learner retention, and to ensure that they are supported from the time they start school to when they complete Grade 12.

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