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Queen mother launches foundation in Mgobodzi

The Queen Lambokazi foundation aims to assist the community to overcome poverty.

The deputy minister of social development, Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu, has joined the long list of leaders calling for the proper documentation of the kings and chiefs of our times.
So passionate about traditional leadership is she that she has even established a unit within her department that focuses on the development of chiefs, especially those within rural areas. Bogopane-Zulu said proper documentation will not only help government and the general public, but royal families who often fight for the thrones as well.
“We need to find ways of documenting the history of our chiefs so that it doesn’t get lost on the way. One of the reasons why we have so many disputes, infighting and killings over chieftaincies is because history somehow got lost and people come and claim to be rightful heirs to the thrones,” she said during the official launch of the Queen Lambokazi Foundation at the Mawewe Royal Home on Sunday.

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Queen Mother Lambokazi is mother to the reigning tribal leader of the Mawewe Tribe, Indlovukati Khulile Mkhatshwa.
This particular royal house has been the centre of attention for the longest time following some people seeking to “hijack” the chieftaincy, which the deputy minister believes could have been easily prevented were there proper documentation and preservation of royal history.

Bogopane-Zulu applauded the queen mother for establishing the foundation, saying she is a beacon of hope in a community ravaged by poverty and unemployment.
The genesis of the foundation dates back to when the community would come to the queen mother for help and advice.

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“This royal house has always been home to so many people, both locally and those of foreign origin. They would come here for help and advice, and our doors had always been opened for all. Back in the day, I would help local children get identity documents and birth certificates, while on the other hand speaking with various institutions to help give some of our youth jobs.

I have been doing this work without even knowing anything about a foundation. It was recently, when young people saw the impact of my work, that they approached me about formalising things and working within a proper structure, and just like that the foundation was born,” said the queen mother.

Even though she is still in hiding following numerous attempts to kill her and her family over the chieftaincy, the queen mother continues to help empower her community.
“This is a true leader of the people. She is somewhere in hiding because her own life is under threat, but still, she has the heart to continue working towards improving her people’s lives. We need more leaders like her,” said Bogopane-Zulu.
Hollywood Bets has pledged R300 000 towards the foundation.

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