DD Mabuza commits aid for Amakhosi

The interministerial task team pushes to get solutions on social ills affecting rural areas.

The deputy president, David Mabuza, has vowed that government would continuously work with traditional leaders to find solutions to problems that affect rural areas.
“The ongoing interactions between government and traditional leaders in efforts to address obstacles that limit development in rural communities have highlighted the need for a closer working partnership at all levels,” Mabuza said.

He was talking with traditional and Khoisan leaders at the Nutting House Lodge on Friday in his capacity as chairperson of the interministerial task team.
“As we move along the development path, we need to make sure the decisions we take today and beyond are put into action.”

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He highlighted unemployment, HIV/Aids and TB, inequality and lack of water for homes and farming as some of the challenges facing rural communities.
“We must also address the issue of limited access to information and communication technology services in rural communities,” said Mabuza.

To achieve this, he believes that intentional and targeted investments in rural infrastructure networks are required. According to him, the move will provide people with access to clean water and sanitation, electricity and roads that link them to places of employment, schooling and health services.
“While the government is making progress on resolving some of the concerns, there are still issues that are in the process of being reviewed and processed,” said Mabuza.
Government, he said, is committed to responding quickly to any concerns to find sustainable solutions.

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Mabuza has described traditional leadership as an institution located in the rural areas that collaborates with government to resolve these challenges, including such social ills of gender-based violence, child abuse, crime, substance abuse and others.
“As traditional leaders, you should promote democratic governance and the values of an open and democratic society, progressively advance gender equality within the institutions of traditional leadership and promote freedom and human dignity.”

Mabuza acknowledged the challenges the traditional and Khoisan leaders are facing.
“Regarding land tenure and administration, we are all aware this is a complicated subject for those who reside in or seek to invest in traditional regions.”
In addition, Mabuza said they would focus more on improving inclusive land use management, building infrastructure and providing targeted aid to rural populations.

“It is critical to prioritise access to land as a crucial asset for rural development and economic transformation, so that the land held in trust by traditional and Khoisan leaders may be effectively used for agricultural, human settlement and industrial development.”

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