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EFF to host May Day rally in Mhluzi

Julius Malema, president of the EFF, is expected to address rallygoers.

The EFF will celebrate the annual May Day rally on Sunday May 1, otherwise known as Workers’ Day, at Themba Senamela Stadium in Middelburg.

The EFF’s president, Julius Malema, is expected to speak to attendees in the heart of the Mhluzi Township.

Speaking to Mpumalanga News, the party’s Mpumalanga leader, Collen Sedibe, extended an open invitation to the people of the province to be part of this historic day on South Africa’s calendar.

“It is a known fact that the EFF cares and is passionate about workers in this country. This was evident enough when the EFF openly fought for and supported the Marikana mineworkers and their families after the government of the day instructed the police to shoot and kill miners.

On Sunday our commander-in-chief, Julius Malema, and the entire EFF leadership will be here in Mpumalanga, taking our fight for the nationalisation of mines, banks, and other strategic sectors of the economy, without compensation, to a whole new level. With this, I want to appeal and invite everyone to come to Mhluzi and celebrate this important day with us, the only party that really cares about economic freedom,” said Sedibe.

Since the year started, the EFF, especially in the province, has been busy conducting a number of campaigns aimed at keeping the organisation relevant and growing its membership.

Currently the third biggest political party in the country, the EFF is slowly winning the hearts of many, especially young people.

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“The EFF is the only alternative for the country’s woes. The majority of mines remain controlled by white monopoly capitalists and foreign interests, while the banks and the Johannesburg Stock Exchange are also in the firm grip of white settlers.

As we come together to celebrate this day, we are reminded of the Marikana mineworkers whose blood is screaming for a change in government and decent wages for every workforce,” continued Sedibe.

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He said the EFF remains committed to its seven non-negotiable cardinal pillars enshrined in its founding manifesto, which include expropriation of land without compensation for equal redistribution, building state and government capacity, which will lead to the abolishment of tenders and massive protected industrial development to create millions of sustainable jobs, including the introduction of minimum wages to close the wage gap between the rich and the poor, close the apartheid wage gap and promote rapid career paths for black people in the workplace.

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