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MEC zeroes in on bullying in schools

While the rest of the country is still struggling to deal with Covid-19 and gender-based violence, a new virus is slowly rearing its ugly head in schools - bullying

EMALAHLENI – A recent bullying video that went viral on social media grabbed the attention of the Mpumalanga MEC for community safety, security and liaison, Vusi Shongwe, who immediately stepped in and visited the affected school and its learners.

The incident involving two pupils of Elukhanyisweni Secondary School in eMalahleni is said to have taken place on Friday January 28.

In the video, a 19-year-old girl can be seen slapping a 15-year-old girl in the face, while other learners just stand there and cheer the older girl on as she continues with the assault.

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After watching the footage, the outraged Shongwe immediately went to the school, addressed all the pupils and attended to the bullied girl. “I am passionate about children, and if you touch a child, you touch me. I will not accept and tolerate bullying in the province. The bullied girl doesn’t eat. She cries and is fearful to go to school. She is in a very bad state and embarrassed by the situation,” said Shongwe.

According to information, the bullying started in October and has been going on until recently.

“I promise that I am going to protect the learners. The police will pay unannounced visits to this school to search pupils and educators weekly. Bullying needs to stop,” warned Shongwe. After his visit here, the MEC proceeded to Gert Sibande where he had received information about more incidents of bullying. Shongwe uncovered that some scholar transport operators bullied some learners.

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“This is a different and unique type of bullying, but still, it is bullying, and we must act decisively against any form of it. I will personally not rest until we have won the war against bullying,” said Shongwe.

The provincial Department of Education also came out condemning these recent incidents of bullying in schools. The departmental spokesperson, Jasper Zwane, said they have since deployed officials to render counselling to the victim and to all learners who may have been negatively affected by these incidents.

“The department condemns this incident with the strongest contempt it deserves and has directed that the school governing body of Elukhanyisweni Secondary School should bring to book everyone involved in the fracas. The department will monitor the developments at this school very closely,” said Zwane

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