An initiative to inspire young ones

These are daytime shelters for children in disadvantaged communities

The Dream Kids After-School programme has introduced activities to keep children in rural and peri-urban areas in Mpumalanga off the streets. Touch A Million identified a gap within the drop-in centre services and started this programme.

These are daytime shelters for children in disadvantaged communities. Touch A Million is a registered NPO, established in 2012. Eddie Bhila, the recreational coordinator of Touch a Million, said, “The programme keeps kids engaged, mentally stimulated, entertained and keeps them safe from negative social influences. The children who participate are from different areas in Mpumalanga.” “The programme adds value to the already existing centres.

It offers a variety of activities for learners of various age groups to make their after school time more engaging while providing social protection. This initiative benefits vulnerable schoolchildren aged from six to 18, who live in the surrounding community. Learners are divided into  their age groups to accommodate activities and sessions according to their age groups.

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“The centres apply through the Department of Social Development (DSD) to become a drop-in centre, once they have qualified through the rigorous process that includes training. It is funded and adopted by the department to cater for children who are vulnerable, orphaned or live in child-headed households where a meal is not always available.

The funding from DSD covers the nutritious meal after school as well as stipends for staff who do the cooking. The Dream Kids After-School programme provides additional support to the children in the centre. Learners are selected from surrounding schools through referrals from schools, DSD database of cases, stakeholders case files, community members and leaders.” Bhila said the learners can also develop their passions, leadership and teamwork skills and excel outside the classroom environment.

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“Learners get to recap on their school work, study, get assistance with their homework while the young ones can play and engage with their peers.” The NPO also launched its Dream Kids After-school chess programme last year.

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