Performers thrilled to be on stage again

The Words in My Mouth poetry slam performers got a chance to showcase their talent for the first time in 18 months.

Menzi Mkhonza, the founder of Words in My Mouth, said it was a thrilling feeling to finally have people to perform for.

“The last time we performed on stage was in March 2020, so when Innibos gave us a chance to be part of Gaan Bos inniMall, everyone pulled out all the stops. I had so much fun and I am so grateful that Innibos once again took a risk and gave us a chance to showcase our skills. Our first chance to be part of the line-up was in 2019. It was such an honour to host such a successful show,” he said.

ALSO READ:  IN PHOTOS: Performers thrilled to be on stage again

The slam members performed at the piazza at i’langa Mall on Friday. Poets and singers in and around Mbombela made their mark during this event. During the show, audience members, young and old, were clapping hands and praising the performers.

They kept surprising the crowd with their various presentations, some reciting poems and some singing.

Mkhonza said, “We had a great range of performances to present and every performer has their own thing to share. The participants looked happy to get a chance to do what they love,” he said.

He said some of the performers were new to the industry and keep growing in this field with every show. “We are planning to start hosting workshops so that we can keep growing and learning.” Mkhonza said he would like to urge the public and those who missed the show to subscribe to Words in My Mouth poetry slam’s YouTube channel and to follow it on social media.

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