Matriculant’s new book tackles high school life

The book deals with the challenges faced by young people at high school level and how they can overcome them.

A 19-year-old matric candidate of Kwazamokuhle Secondary School, Lindokuhle Mkhwanazi, published a book about the ins and outs of high school life. On December 12 she launched her book titled High School Life, at the African Gospel Church.

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“I was raised by my granny, Linah Mkhwanazi (81), who unfortunately passed away after the launch of my book. Having being raised by my grandmother, but still being able to write a book while studying for my matric, made me realise that young people can achieve a lot as long as we put more effort and persevere in our dreams.

“I know that this book will be more relevant now that learners will be going to various institutions of learning,” she said. Mkhwanazi added that her grandmother had not known she was writing a book until after it was published. “She saw me writing and assumed that it was all part of my schoolwork, and she was very excited the day I told her about it. She attended the launch and gave me her blessing,” Mkhwanazi said.

High School Life is about the hardships learners face during their school careers. Some of the content is fiction and some the reality of what happens in schools.

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“I am so happy to have fulfilled my long-standing dream of writing a book. The book deals with the challenges faced by young people at high school level and how they can overcome them.

“I am passionate about inspiring young people and challenging them to do more,” she said.

The book was printed with the savings Mkhwanazi had made from the pocket money her grandmother had given her. It took her only four months to write and complete the book, and Streetwise Approach Publishers published it last March.

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