Church burned to ashes at Casteel

The founder and leader of Alpha and Omega Word Centre, Ps Noel Theko, said he received a call about his church in flames around 23:00 on September 10.

A church building was burned to ashes by unknown people last Thursday.
The founder and leader of Alpha and Omega Word Centre, Ps Noel Theko, said he received a call about his
church in flames around 23:00 on September 10.

“We rushed to the scene and found the whole building engulfed in flames. Firefighters and police were called but everything had already burned to ashes. We don’t know what caused the fire because we have been enjoying a good relationship with the community since the inception of the church 15 years ago,” he said.

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Theko said traces of something like oil that was apparently used to start the fire, could been seen on the walls.
He added that they were surprised that they could not found remains of burned plastic chairs as they were stored in one corner of the building.
“We suspect that some of the property, including chairs belonging to the church, were stolen before the building was set on fire,” he said.

Capt Mpho Nonyana of Acornhoek Police Station said a case of arson was opened regarding the matter.
“No arrests have been made so far and police investigations are continuing,” she said.
Elders of the church have already erected a temporary structure at a new stand belonging to the church near Alfredtshine High School and Casteel Hardware on the R40.
Anyone willing to help the church rebuild its structure can call Theko on 083-314-4952 or make donations to Alpha and Omega Project; FNB account 62 564 608 697.

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