Cleaning Matsulu, street by street

One man has made it his mission to keep this township clean and green. Local community builder, Elijah Msibi is on a drive to beautify the area using the little resources and help he can get.

“Our roads and rivers are infested with nothing but dirty diapers. Our streets where our children used to play have been turned into dumping sites and we need to fix this,” said Msibi.

He recently organised a community cleaning campaign as part of celebrating and honouring Mandela Day. “I appreciate the help I received from members of the public who came to clean our streets, even though they ended up charging me for their services and in the process defeated the entire exercise of honouring Mandela Day.

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“But I am happy that we managed to clean our streets and I will continue with my cleaning programme until all our streets are clean and the river is free from of diapers,” continued Msibi. Msibi, a groundsman at Themba Hospital, is passionate about the environment. He has pleaded with local businesses to help him in the drive to keep the area clean and turn it green.

“There are already a number of local businesses, especially the white-owned companies, who have been supporting this cause. I am sorry to say this, but black businesses in our area are still reluctant to support such initiatives, but I hope they will see the need of supporting such efforts in future,” he further said.

“I would be grateful if the municipality can also meet us half way by collecting the rubbish or dirt dumped along our roads. We would also appreciate some mounted dustbins to be put up along some busy streets to avoid dumping dirt anywhere,” Msibi added.

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He said Matsulu is a gateway for tourists visiting the Bongani Lodge and the Mthethomusha Game Reserve and therefore needs to appeal to tourists.

“We need to cut and trim some trees along the main road because it is bushy and a danger to motorists, and even our local people travelling on foot. I believe that we should always keep our environment clean so that it may be good to us,” he concluded.

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