Local medical doctor gives advice on how to treat corona symptoms at home

With hospital beds being filled to capacity due to an escalation of Covid-19 cases, a local medical practitioner, Dr Eric Khumalo, said not everyone needs to be hospitalised after testing positive.

“Not everyone who has been confirmed to have contracted the coronavirus needs or should be admitted to hospital. Even if they have comorbidities, that is no reason to do so,” he said.

Khumalo highlighted that most hospitals, both private and public, had allocated a number of beds for
Covid-19 patients. These should be used by and benefit those who need it most.

“Our challenge is that most of these beds are filled to capacity, especially those in high care and ICU, resulting in patients who are in great need of such beds being denied access and condemning them to an early death in the process,” he said.

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Khumalo advised that once a person is confirmed to have Covid-19, they should not panic.
“One needs to adhere to regulations of self-quarantine and seek medical advice or care soon. It is important to call the hospital or your doctor before being admitted, so that arrangements can be made to properly isolate you on arrival.

“The following treatment is recommended for use, should you be diagnosed with the virus. You can also take it to boost your immune system.

“Currently there is no scientific study or research to back this up, but this is what we as doctors give to Covid-19
patients. The dosage might differ from one doctor to another, but circumstances must be individualised.
“Vitamin C, 500 milligrams twice per day. One might need to reduce this to once per day or take it with food if one suffers from ulcers as it might cause heartburn. Other people replace this with lemons or oranges.

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“ACC tablets, one every eight hours. This usually helps with breathing problems which are common in symptomatic patients. Zinc tablets or Zinplex provides your body with much-needed zinc to help fight the virus.
“Aspirin, half tablet or 150 milligrams. This helps your body against the formation of small blood clots which are responsible for difficulties in breathing. Please be careful with aspirin if you suffer from asthma or are troubled by
ulcers or have bleeding disease.

“Paracetamol, one tablet every eight hours, even if there’s no pain, especially if you have been diagnosed with Covid-19. It helps to reduce inflammation and speed up recovery. Selenium, 200 milligrams, once every day to help boost your immune system.

“Calcium and vitamin D – you can acquire these by basking in the sun for 10 to 15 minutes per day, and thiamine 100 milligrams once daily,” he said.

“I hope the above will help. The good thing is that one can get all of this over the counter. There is no need for a doctor’s prescription or letter.

“Together we can overcome and conquer Covid-19,” Khumalo concluded.

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