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Sewer flooding neighbour’s yard causes conflict

Sewer has flooded the Mabuza residence for over five years.

KANYAMAZANE – “My furniture floods in not just ordinary water, but sewer and that is a health hazard,” said Esther Mabuza.

Sewer has flooded the Mabuza residence for over five years. The family claims they have reported the matter several times to the City of Mbombela Local Municipality and Silulumanzi, but nothing has changed in the last four to five years.

The dispute emanated their neighbor’s house whereby, a structure was built on a sewer manhole. Sewer pipelines were enlarged along that street, but unfortunately, Silulumanzi couldn’t replace them at that particular home because a structure had been built.


As a result, the pressure coming uphill to that particular manhole, overflowed, thus causing a spillage into their yard and inside the house.

The two neighbors have been at loggerheads since then, not seeing eye to eye.

Mabuza described the situation as overwhelming for a senior citizen living with children who can hardly play outside without supervision as she fears for their safety and health.

“The sewer ruins everything in the house, including my mattress some years ago. My curtains had to be removed because they soaked in it. What annoys me the most, is that the problem persists with no solution,” she said.


Water flowing in the street.
Water flowing in the street.
One of the holes dug by Silulumanzi to access the pipe.
One of the holes dug by Silulumanzi to access the pipe.
The drain near the kitchen.
A blocked toilet in the house.

According to Silulumanzi spokesperson, Richmond Jele, the City of Mbombela Local Municipally was requested to intervene in the enforcement of Municipal By-Laws, to enable Silulumanzi to access and repair services without undue interference from anyone.

“If By-Laws are respected, there will be no need for drastic measures to enforce them. The law must take its course regardless, to ensure the protection of the rights of other law abiding citizens,” Jele said.

The municipality’s spokesperson, Joseph Ngala’s response was that he was not aware of the matter because it is Silulumanzi’s area of operation, but said he would look into it.

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