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Woman kidnapped for eight years to be released to family 

Members of Suicide and Hostage Negotiators Mpumalanga managed to negotiate the release of a 27-year-old lady who was kidnapped or kept in the house by her boyfriend who abused her for almost eight years.

Last week Thursday, Captain Dineo Sekgotodi while on standby as a Suicide and Hostage Negotiator, received a call from a lady who reported that she received a call from the neighbor of her daughter who had since left home with the boyfriend, that he is always assaulting her.

Captain Sekgotodi reguested the full information about the victim, including the residential address. When the feedback was sent to her, she noticed that the area is in Gauteng Province, around Vereerining.

Captain Sekgotodi arranged with the Suicide and Hostage Negotiators from Gauteng to assist with the case.

They dispatched the police to attend to the complaint, but they did not manage to get any response from the address. Captain Sekgotodi advised the family to open a case at the Nelspruit SAPS, which was transferred to the De Deur Police Station for further investigation.

On Tuesday, the family phoned Captain Sekgotodi reporting that they received a call again from the neighbor that the boyfriend is busy assaulting the victim in front of their three-old son.

Captain Sekgotodi requested the contact numbers of the victim and she phoned. It was answered by the boyfriend who sounded aggressive.

Captain Sekgotodi negotiated with him not to harm anyone anymore and not to harm himself.

She continued with the negotiations while she was busy arranging with the police from De Deur to go and rescue the victim and her son.

The police went to the address and managed to rescue the victims and they were taken to a place of safety in Vanderbijlpark.

Today, Captain Sekgotodi has made arrangement through social workers for the victims to be transported to Mbombela by EMS Department to the MRTT Quarantine center for screening as per Covid-19 regulations and later they will be released to meet with their family this afternoon.

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