Nkomazi municipality guarantees water during Lockdown

More than 15 water tankers were also hired by the municipality.

KAMHLUSHWA – Nkomazi Local Municipality mayor, Johan Mkhatshwa guarantees residents that there will be adequate water supply throughout the Lockdown.

Mkhatshwa said addressing water issues in rural communities remains a priority, hence its partnership with the Department of Water and Sanitation.

“Apart from the water tankers we hired, we have received some from the department. With the Covid-19 pandemic, people must get enough water in all the wards. There is absolutely no way residents can be complaining of water shortage because we are supplying in all corners,” he said.

SEE PICTURES: Residents receiving water 

He added that the mandate is clear and as a municipality, they are guided by it to also prioritize the sanitizing of public facilities. However, he pleaded with residents to comply, especially with the funeral regulations.

“I must be honest enough to say here in Nkomazi, it seems we are not winning the battle when it comes to funerals.

We have constantly addressed families about having not more than 50 mourners at funerals, but more people still attend. One of the worrying factors is finding scores of people at gravesites, yet the president made it clear that they should stay at home.”

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He said the matter was reported to the House of Traditional Leaders and a delegation was sent to the municipality. He feels more intervention is needed from the traditional council to try and engage communities about curbing the spread of the virus.

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