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Two suspected rhino poachers killed at Kruger National Park

A loaded heavy calibre firearm, ammunition and poaching equipment were recovered at the scene

Today the management of SANParks confirmed the arrest of a suspected rhino poacher and the death of two suspected rhino poachers in a contact with rangers in the Kruger National Park (KNP).

Yesterday, the Pretoriuskop Rangers conducting follow-up operations during the early morning made contact with a group of three suspected poachers. During the contact, one suspect was arrested and the remaining two managed escape.

Read: Nine poachers arrested at Sanparks in three days

In the second incident, Pretoriuskop Rangers conducting nocturnal counter-poaching operations, made contact with a group of three suspected poachers just before midnight.

“During the contact, two of the suspects were fatally wounded and the third managed to escape under the cover of darkness. A loaded heavy calibre firearm, ammunition and poaching equipment were recovered at the scene. Follow up investigations relating to both the incidents are currently underway,”said Isaac Phaahla, Communications & Marketing, manager at Kruger National Park.

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