Few residents of Kanyamazane still waiting for their houses to be fixed

The Department of Human Settlement has so far claimed to have fixed 2 107 houses from a total of 2 130 storm-damaged houses in the area.

It is still a long wait for some homeowners who had their houses damaged by a storm in KaNyamazane last year.

A number of the unfixed houses are found in areas around Spot Five, KaMfayinda, Nazarene Section and areas around Ema-Twenty.The owners are uncertain as to when their houses will be fixed.

Read: Repairing of storm damaged houses without authorisation condemned
One of the still-waiting residents, Jerry Ngomane, told Mpumalanga News how he and his family spend sleepless nights during rainy days. He mentioned how he moves furniture around the house from one corner to the other when it rains.

“The rumour that the project has come to an end without some of our houses not fixed doesn’t sit well with us. I am unemployed and survive on piece seasonal jobs. The whole family depends on the grants we receive for our children from government. I cannot afford to fix the roofing on my own,” he said.

Read the full version of the story on the printed edition of Mpumalanga News.

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