Learner loses his eye over milk dispute

An 18-year-old grade 11 learner of Shobiyane Secondary School in Acornhoek was admitted at Rob Ferreira Hospital after being allegedly stabbed on his face by a prefect of the school.

Speaking from his hospital bed, Benedict Ngomane told journalists that the argument started while learners were served milk during the school’s nutrition programme in his class on Wednesday.

“The prefect told us to share milk in groups of four and I complained saying the milk was too little to be shared by four people, it should be shared by two people at least,” said Ngomane. He alleged the prefect threatened to bite him and he apparently responded by saying that won’t happen.

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He was later stabbed by the prefect near the school gate while he was going to a nearby shop.

“I met him by the gate where he asked me as to what I was saying in the class, he immediately stabbed me with broken bottles four times injuring my eyes,” he said. Ngomane was assisted by one of his classmates who asked a lift from a community member to rush him to Tintswalo Hospital where he was transferred to Robs.

The MEC of education, Bonakele Majuba, officials from the department together with Ngomane’s family visited Ngomane in hospital this morning to give him moral support.

It was heard that Ngomane lost the sight in one of his eyes. He was discharged this morning to be taken back to Matikwana Hospital. Majuba spoke harshly against violence in schools which he alleged imminent from the community.

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“The department will continue to investigate the circumstances that lead to this incident and further establish the extent to which it can support the families of the affected learners. We will send a team of psychologists and social workers to go and assist the counselling of learners who were traumatised by this incident,” he said.

“The rate of violence making its way into our schools recently is a cause for concern,” he concluded.

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