Pay attention to your oral health

Brushing your teeth twice a day in the morning and at night helps to remove plaque build-up and bacteria that lead to tooth decay and periodontal disease

September is national Oral Health Month which is a time to pay extra attention to your dental routine, particularly because two of the world’s most common health problems affect the mouth – cavities (dental caries) and gum disease.
The Mpumalanga Department of Health hosts a two-day National Oral Congress at Mbombela Stadium from today.
Learners from four primary schools will benefit from dentist and specialist care during the events.

Also read: Free dental screenings in celebration of Oral Health month

Dr Ayush Sharma, a dentist, provides the following oral health tips (

1. Brushing your teeth twice a day in the morning and at night helps to remove plaque build-up and bacteria that lead to tooth decay and periodontal disease.

2. Floss daily. Floss can reach the crevices too small for your brush bristles, so it’s a necessary step for a clean mouth.

3. Limit your sugar intake as sugary and starchy foods cause an action in your mouth that leads to tooth decay.

4. Don’t neglect your tongue when brushing. The tongue harbours bacteria too, so use your toothbrush or a tongue scraper to give it a cleaning.

5. Don’t put your baby to sleep with a bottle. The milk or juice that pools in the mouth will bathe teeth in the sugars on which bacteria feed.

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