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Ideas to enjoy Spring season

It is just the right time of year to get out of the house and enjoy the breeze and the sunshine.

Today marks the beginning of the spring season, the weather is warming up and everything’s turning green. Shed your winter coat and put blankets away.

Here are simple ideas to enjoy your spring:

1. Take a long, leisurely walk. It is just the right time of year to get out of the house and enjoy the breeze and the sunshine.

2. Set up a picnic, and have some lunch al fresco.

3. Wear flip-flops. Let your feet breath a bit.

4. Open your windows. Let in some fresh air.

5. Sit outside at a restaurant, out on the deck or veranda, instead of cooping yourself up inside with only the walls to look at.

6. Have a good look around outside, take in the views, look at the passing traffic, and take the opportunity to do some reflection and introspection, gathering your thoughts and ordering your mind. This same idea applies for number 2.

6. Engage in spring cleaning. Get that house ship-shaped and ready for Christmas!

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