Women’s Month kicks off in style

Businesswoman, founder and chairperson of Hlayisani Centre of Hope, Pastor Maria Muhari is inviting women to be part of the Third Annual Woman of Impact event on Saturday.

MZINTI – The aim is to influence women from various areas to reach out and to make a difference in their communities.

Pastor Muhari said this is an event not to be missed. “We’ve attracted over 300 women of all ages in the past two years.

Lungile Mhango is one of the guest speakers at the Women of Impact event.

This year we are bringing speakers in different fields to focus on empowering women to inspire and bring hope,” she said. She says this year’s theme is centred on playing a role in changing the mindset of ordinary women.

“Women must be able to use their talents and dream of making a life without having to depend on men.

We have considered the challenges of unemployment and increase in social challenges, including HIV and Aids in the Nkomazi Local Municipality, and believe that through the conference, women in the local area will draw inspiration from women of impact and learn something from them,” she explains.

Speakers on the day include Ligwalagwala FM presenter, Lungile Mhango, Pastor Maria Muhari and others.

The event will take place at the Holiness Union Church from 12:00. Guests will also be entertained by gospel singer, Donny and Amawele. Entry is free


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