Rapist sentenced to life imprisonment

During sentencing, the court found no compelling and substantial circumstances to deviate from the prescribed minimum sentence and the accused was sentenced to life imprisonment for kidnapping and rape .

The Piet Retief Regional Court had this week sentenced Zakhele Jeffery Dlamini (28) to life imprisonment after he was convicted guilty of kidnapping and raping a 22 year- old woman in Eziphunzini location.

The evidence presented in court was that, in September 2018, the victim was walking alone from her aunt’s place to her home in Eziphunzini location at night when she came across the accused.
Read: Convicted Matsulu serial rapist sentenced to 30 years in prison

The victim felt that there was something wrong, she then screamed for help from the passing motorists and no one assisted. Soon after that, the accused dragged the victim to his house, raped her, and kept her against her will until the next morning .The following morning, the victim reported the ordeal to the police as she was able to identify the accused to them.

During trial, the accused told the court that there was an existing love relationship between him and the victim and the intercourse was consensual, however, the court rejected his version and the Regional Court Prosecutor, Marlin Cairncross led evidence of the complainant who told the court about the impact the rape ordeal caused in her life, J88 medical report was handed in and the accused was found guilty as charged.

Also read: Father gets life imprisonment for raping his children

The accused was found not fit to possess a firearm, and the court ordered the accused’s name to be entered into the Sexual Offences Register, and was found not fit to work with children.

The Acting Director of Public Prosecutions in Mpumalanga, Advocate Matric Luphondo, congratulates the prosecutor and his team for the job well done. This is clearly a message that gender based violence will not be tolerated, hoping that the survivor of this heinous crime will find peace .The NPA will continue to ensure a safe and protected environment for women and children in our society.

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