No fatalities on SA section of the N4 Toll Route this Easter

TRAC is pleased to announce zero fatalities on its South African section of the N4 Toll Route this Easter.

There was also a considerable decline in accidents overall, compared to 2018, even though record traffic volumes were experienced over the long weekend.

Twenty-nine accidents were recorded on the N4 from Thursday 18 April to Monday 22 April 2018, which is a huge decline from last year’s 73 crashes.

Twenty of these accidents occurred in South Africa and nine in Mozambique, where one fatality was recorded at the start of the weekend. We convey our heartfelt condolences to the family of the deceased.

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As expected, a major increase in traffic was recorded over the Easter weekend, with hourly counts at TRAC’s biggest and busiest South African toll plaza, Middelburg, reaching over 2 450 cars on Monday 22 April. The Ressano Garcia and Lebombo border posts also reported busy conditions on Monday, however, traffic flowed smoothly at the international crossing throughout the weekend.

One of the key contributors to a safer N4 this Easter was the TRAC N4 Easter Road Safety Awareness and Swift Response Campaign.

Also Read: 11 people killed in road crashes in the province

This initiative saw the bulk of Mpumalanga Emergency Services and TRACAssist teams stationed at strategic points along the route to reduce response times to roadside emergencies and incidents.

Another contributing factor was the high visibility of traffic and law enforcement authorities throughout the 570km route.

Their constant presence ensured that motorists were more road safety conscious and respected road rules and regulations.

This achievement would not have been possible without road users’ cooperation and TRAC thanks all motorists for their efforts. TRAC believes that road safety is everyone’s responsibility and the N4 Toll Route will continue to become safer and better as long as this philosophy is applied by all who use it.

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