Worshippers attacked outside mosque

The Bushbuckridge Muslim community, along with all foreign-born residents, will be staging a peaceful march against crime.

BUSHBUCKRIDGE – The Muslim and foreign-born community will tomorrow march to the local court and police station to demand an end to the crime they are experiencing.

In the latest incident, three men were attacked as they were leaving a mosque after prayers.

Spokesman for the group, Muhammad Alam, says that on the night of the attack at the mosque on April 3, a group had just finished their prayers when two men entered the premises and started shooting.

“It was a special night. We were supposed to pray all night.”

They asked for guns, but no guns were to be had. One man was shot in the leg and another broke his ankle when he jumped over a wall in an attempt to get away from the attackers.

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Police spokesman, Brig Leonard Hlathi confirmed that a carjacking and attempted murder took place.

“During the shooting, one person was hit by a bullet on the leg and was taken to hospital for medical assistance,” Hlathi confirmed.

Alam said it was shocking. He lists a long list of police cases, ranging from housebreakings and burglaries to robberies and hijackings. “Not even one of them has been sorted out.”

Alam says the shops of Somali, Ethiopian and Pakistani immigrants are particularly targeted. He is originally from Pakistan, but has lived in Bushbuckridge for 20 years. He has also acquired South African citizenship. “Many of them are citizens,” he adds.

“This time criminals attacked our place of worship, which we cannot tolerate. They disrespect our place of worship by entering and opening fire on innocent people.”

Hlathi asked that anyone with information regarding the attack contact the nearest police station.

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