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Sars workers on strike as wage negotiations deadlock

The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union (NEHAWU) is forging ahead with its upcoming strike at the South African Revenue Services on Thursday.

The strike is as a result of a deadlock in the wage negotiations that has been ongoing for the past five months.

Nehawu said they declared a dispute after it was clear that the employer was hell-bent on giving workers a salary increase below CPI or a real salary increase.

“Nehawu then served the employer with a notice to strike on the 20th March 2019 after receiving a certificate to strike.”

“The union then convened a national bargaining forum meeting on 26th March 2019 which was attended by Full Time Shop Stewards [FTSS], Provincial Coordinators, Provincial Organisers and National Office Bearers, ” said the union in a statement.

The meeting received reports from the negotiating team on the process from the National Bargaining Forum of SARS to the point where the matter was referred to the CCMA.

“After extensive deliberations, the meeting took a decision to forge ahead with the strike as planned. As Nehawu, we are happy with the level of readiness for the strike and we are confident that come March 28, 2019, all our members will be at the picket lines as a last resort to force the employer to accede to our demands, “said Nehawu.

Their demands are as follows:

• We are demanding a single term
• Salary Increment of 11,4%
• SARS must compensate employees for recognised improved qualifications in the form of a 1% increase as well as a 10% bonus.
• Long Service Awards
• Performance Bonus policy
• Family Responsibility Leave (FRL) we demand the introduction of a 3-year cycle.
• Pre-natal and Vaccination leave 8 working days / 16 half-days for vaccinations and pre-natal check-ups.
• Lastly, we are demanding that all the benefits that the employer withdrew during the negotiations in December 2018 must all be reinstated.

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