Police catch smugglers with 57kg of dagga

During a crime prevention operation near the Swaziland border on Tuesday afternoon, police found four suspects attempting to smuggle more than 28 bags of dagga to Phalaborwa.

TONGA – According to Capt Magonseni Nkosi of Tonga SAPS, four suspects were travelling in a black Mercedez-Benz with Swaziland number plates when police stopped them between Sibange and Magudu.

The vehicle was searched and police found 28 wrapped bags and three black bags stuffed with dagga weighing 57 kilograms.

The suspects, aged between 31 and 71, told police that they were taking it to Phalaborwa. Two women and one man are from Phalaborwa and one man, the driver, is a Nkomazi resident.

They will appear in the Nkomazi Magistrate’s Court soon.

Nkosi reminded Nkomazi residents that although it is legal to smoke dagga in your own home, it is illegal to transport and sell it.

READ: Police find R5 000 worth of dagga during stop-and-search operation

Due to a High Court ruling still to be enforced by legislation, dagga can be smoked in private homes but police will still arrest people who do it in the presence of minors, cultivate dagga for the purpose of selling it, or who are found transporting it.

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