Two men found mysteriously dead in Mpumalanga

One was found in toilets near Ngodwana and the other found near a railway line in Barberton.

Mpumalanga police opened cases of murder and a murder inquest after bodies of two men were recently found in separate places.

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One of the bodies was found in the toilets near Stella Mine outside Ngodwana on Saturday. “He had clothes stuffed in his mouth. It looks like he was assaulted before he was killed,” explained Capt Jabu Ndubane spokesperson of Pienaar Cluster.

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She added that the Ngodwana police are investigating a case of murder.
A second body was found near a railway line in Barberton. “The decomposed body of a man was found naked next to the railway line. Two plastic bags were found next to him,” she said.
Barberton police have opened a murder inquest. Both men have been identified by their relatives.

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