Clan lights up local economy with their innovation

Inkhosi Musa Khumalo, popularly known as Mthayiza II, launched Mthayiza Firewood and Charcoal at Ntabamhlophe Royal Palace in Kaapmuiden last week.

Unlike the traditional way of burning unwanted wood after clearing a piece of land for any development purposes, the Khumalo clan decided to recycle the dry wood as a means of boosting the economy for the locals.

“Our vision is to empower the community and contribute towards the rural economy by producing and supplying the best quality charcoal and firewood to clients. This is science in its best practice. We produce wood from the natural trees and use wood from dead plants to create durable charcoal,” explained Mthayiza.

Front: Mr Peter Phiri, Inkosi Musa Khumalo, inkhosikati Nokuthula Ndwandwe, Mr Herbert Maseko, Mr Gift Khumalo, (back) Mr Themba Vilakati, Mr Vincent Makwakwa, Mr Xolani Nyalunga, Mr Lucky Xulu and Mr Thomas Chauke display the products available at the farm.

Chopped wood is piled up and a traditional man-made stove is built around it, which is then set on fire to process the charcoal, a procedure which takes about two weeks. The manufacturing of the firewood and charcoal has created job opportunities for six men.

This means growth for locals. They now have permanent job opportunities for the team, which means they will be in a better position of taking care of their families.

Branded packs in five-kilogram bags are available in some garages and hardware shops, including BUCO in Malalane and Mbombela. Motorists using the N4 toll route between Mbombela and Malalane can buy their readily available wood and charcoal packs from stalls near the road, just after the toll gate towards Malalane.

Apart from firewood and charcoal, they also have plenty of summer fruit and vegetables available at the farm from a joint venture with Crooks Brothers Limited. These include indigenous fruit like succulent and watery prickly pears, known as emadolofiya in siSwati, mangoes (mangoza) and fresh okra (mandanda). “Such indigenous fruit have plenty of health benefits, including quick healing of wounds and multiple vitamins,” said management.

Front: Inkosi Musa Khumalo, inkhosikatoi Nokuthula Ndwandwe, Mr Herbet Maseko and (back) Lijaha lembutfo Mr Peter Phiri.

The farm also produces butternut, cabbages, spinach, maize and sugar cane. They also deliver to clients ordering in large quantities anywhere in Mpumalanga.

Management added that they are striving to be a good example of how to use and maintain land that has been gained through the government’s land restitution policy.

“Be smart in your choice and do business with us, because we strive to do the best for our clients. We never cut corners. We act with integrity and strive to deliver goods and services at the best.

“Our customers and their needs come first to us,” stated management.

To learn more about Mthayiza’s Farm and their other services, which include a hotel and tourism, transport and game ranch, visit their website on www.mthayizaholdings.

If you are hosting a family function, having a braai, a wedding, a church gathering or any other function, don’t hesitate to place an order with Mthayiza Firewood and Charcoal.

Call Nontobeko on 071-151-4414 or Vinni on 076-911-3165 or drop them an email at

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