Have your slice of the newest pizza sensation to hit the Lowveld

Col’Cacchio is a 26-year-long love story that is branching out to the Lowveld, and you can become a part of this romantic affair.

High-end gourmet pizzas, pasta, salads, light meals and mains offered in a setting that entertains and informs to create a unique experience for diners. Great quality and wholesome Italian cuisine is guaranteed at any of the Col’Cacchio restaurants across South Africa and Namibia.

Kinga Baranowska and Michael Terespolsky opened the first Col’Cacchio in Cape Town. Fast forward more than a quarter of a century and the husband-and-wife pair, along with partner Greg Mommsen, have grown Col’Cacchio into a household franchise.

It has a legacy of crafting artisanal meals out of the freshest ingredients, with quality and innovation always at the heart of their dynamic offering.

It has always been at the forefront of dietary trends, being one of the first in the market to introduce carb-conscious options for pizza, salad and pasta. Their offering now includes gluten-free and vegan alternatives.

The partners have kept the home-made feel of the food by insisting everything is made in-house. Col’Cacchio is owner-operated and franchisees are very carefully chosen. If you ask the directors what the right ingredient for a good restaurateur is, they all agree that one needs staying power.

“Not only do you have to be hard working, you’ve got to be able to take the flak from the customers, suppliers and landlords. You can’t be a quitter,” said Terespolsky. “The restaurant business can be 24/7,” he explained, “but if you enjoy spending time with people, it can be a very rewarding business to be in.”

Mommsen added that that when you love what you do and have fun every day, you will make it work no matter what. “It is all about the mindset,” he said.
“We’ve had some amazing years in this restaurant business,” added Baranowska.

“We’ve loved every minute of it. It’s been 26 years – it doesn’t feel like it.”

However, while the demand for more Col’Cacchio pizzerias continues to grow, they aren’t interested in seeing their brand on every corner. “We’re very particular,” said Terespolsky.

Apart from owning their own stores the three directors are very much involved in the day-to-day running of all franchises across the region, and keep the entrepreneurial passion alive while providing support to the group with their solid business know-how and experience.

“We are more like a big family. All of the company’s directors are always available to our franchisees. We are here for them, and they know it. I believe that you must provide steadfast support to franchisees at all times so they can achieve the success we know they can have,” Terespolsky said.

Tarryn Godley, business development manager, said when you become a franchisee, you become a part of the Col’Cacchio family. Visit colcacchio.co.za to start owning your own future. Give Tarryn a call on 084-800-7264 to get this adventure going.

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