Bikers to bring smile to needy kids

This year's annual Lowveld Toy Run was the best ever.

MBOMBELA – Hundreds of bikers clad in leather jackets with warm hearts revved up for charity on Saturday.
The Lowveld Toy Run celebrated its 18th birthday this year.

Bikers from clubs and patches all over the Lowveld collected tons of stuffed friends which will be donated to underprivileged children.

They met at Rudamans on Saturday morning and completed a 30-kilometre ride through town with the toys on their bikes. Afterwards the fun moved to Honda/KTM Nelspruit with a variety of live entertainment, food stalls, and biker games during the day.

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According to Bernadette Woodford, chairman of the Lowveld Toy Run, more than 180 bikers and 400 people attended the event. Over 1 000 toys were collected.

“We are going to sit down as a committee and do a final count before we distribute them among the seven charities we have identified. We are planning to help at Betty’s Haven orphanage, which went up in flames last week. “We are very happy with the way the event turned out. I know it is too early to talk about next year, but we are planning to make it bigger and better. Also, we want to thank everyone who took part in this noble cause,” Woodford said.

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