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LaMabuza’s death will unite ANC and locals

LaMabuza was described by mourners as a stress reliever, mental psychologist and engine of her family and the striker of the actors in the radio station.

Fans, colleagues and family members for the late Ligwalagwala FM’s actress of Ngalutfota Lolumanti drama series, LaMabuza’s packed the Divine Praise Ministries in Karino Estate for her memorial service yesterday.

She was a staunch member, hence the change in venue for the memorial service.

Not everyone was accommodated in the church’s building; this saw the speaker of the City of Mbombela, Cllr Mandla Msibi beseeching LaMabuza’s family and the church to reconsider using the initially designated venue at Portia Shabangu Secondary School for the funeral service on Saturday.

“The pastor must enlarge the church since he has celebrities’ worshipping here,” he said on a light note.

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Msibi added that LaMabuza’s death will unite government and locals going forward. He also conveyed the deputy president, Mr David Mabuza’s condolences and indicated Mabuza’s support to the family.

“The party will be represented by the minister of energy, Mr David Mahlobo at the funeral to appreciate LaMabuza’s contribution in the country as whole,“ he said.

He revealed that the party will give LaMabuza a befitting funeral.

Speaking on the forthcoming elections, Msibi said local artists, including Masibuyele kuJehova, Reshen and others will be featured in the election program. He also asked for believers to support the party for the politicians. “All the problems and programs faced by the ANC need you to pray for us,” he said.

Speakers revealed how they opened the radio just to listen to LaMabuza’s voice during the radio drama.

Her co-actress, Bonisiwe Ntuli, who played the part of LaMabuza’s friend in the drama, kept mourners in stitches of laughter when she portrayed the actress’s character while directing the programme.

“LaMabuza encouraged us to play our parts. She used to say your talent will pave your way and leads you to great people,” she said.

Ntuli, who hails from Emalayinini, Driekoppies, also shared her knowledge on how the word Emalayinini originated.

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