Executive mayor Cllr BJ Tolo services Hendrina

Tolo planted a tree outside the offices of the Hendrina Council, where he occupies an office. This was symbolic of his being able to interact with communities on different service delivery concerns whenever he is around.

As part of his ongoing consultative meetings with communities around Steve Tshwete Local Municipality, executive mayor Cllr Bagudi Tolo spent the entire day on September 13 handing over and inspecting projects in and around the town and township.

“For me, this is a very great day. This is my first visit to the community of Kwazamokuhle ever since I came into office. Today was a fine day, as we were able to deliver projects that the municipality has done here. We opened roads and storm water and electricity projects. We also visited water treatment plants to ensure that the source of our water provision was well managed.

“I want to tell the community here that we are their parents, and we will deliver services here. By opening this office here, I am saying to the community, our doors are always open and I will always try to be here at least once a month to attend to whatever problems. We want to tell them that if they also pay their services, we will continue delivering services.

Yes, I did come across complaints of shoddy work on some RDP houses, but we will address those issues,” he explained.

When asked about relationships with local stakeholders, he answered, “As a municipality, we have existing relationships with all stakeholders in this vicinity and will continue drawing in more of them and plan and work together for the betterment of our communities. Government cannot do it alone, but if we draw them in, it enlightens both parties what the dire needs of our area are and we fix the problem,” he said.

What is the significance of the tree that was planted at the offices?

“This is a legacy tree that I planted, which will signify to all subsequent mayors who will come in after me, that this is a goodwill tree that signifies that a trend towards public-private and community partnership established on this day.

As the tree grows, so should the efforts towards bettering their lives and creating this region as an economic hub for locals. This is a legacy I’ll be leaving here for others to follow suit,” he concluded.

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