Contractors ready to resume work on storm ravaged houses

Nearly 200 houses have so far been successfully refurbished and the remaining ones will follow once all service providers are back on site.

All contractors appointed to rehabilitate hail-storm damaged houses in the City of Mbombela, are eager to return on site and complete the project.

Work was destructed earlier in the week due to public protests in KaNyamazane, Ntokozweni and Tekwane.  A series of meetings between the Department of Human Settlements and the contractors have been held in an attempt to address all administrative challenges regarding the scope of work and community concerns.

The protests which entered its fourth day (Thursday) affected residents and business in and around KaNyamazane. Premier Refilwe Mtsweni together with some MECs, and local government leaders engaged the communities during the week in a bid to tackle their concerns and find lasting solutions to the challenges. Some of the community members bemoaned several disparities about the project, whilst others complained about lack of development in their respective areas.

Subsequent to the visit by the provincial leadership to these areas, the department held an urgent meeting with the contractors and resolved that work should continue at all sites to ensure that the project is delivered to the latter.

A house without a roof
One of the houses in Kanyamazane.

Human Settlements Head, Mr. Kebone Masange has urged all the contractors to be ready and resume work once the situation has been brought under control. “My appeal is that you get your teams’ ready, material and ensure that when everything has settled, you hit the ground running”, he said at the meeting.



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