KaNyamazane protesters loot bottle store

It is reported that protesters proceeded to KaNyamazane Shopping Complex and looted alcohol worth thousands of rands.

A man was shot on the right leg by a policeman and many others were injured during a protest this morning.

Timothy Mabuza claims he was not part of the protest and was on his way to work when he was shot.” I was near the robots at Extension 1 when I saw people running and I continued walking, next thing I was shot at close range on my leg. I then tried running but I could not. I was taken to the clinic and they referred me to Rob Ferreira Hospital but I am worried how I will get to town because of the protest,” he said.

Mabuza said he could not open a case because he was told at the police station that no one could assist him as all officers were out.

Timothy Mabuza’s injured leg.



Timothy holding a badge of the policeman he claims shot him.

Police confirmed that a liquor shop at the local shopping complex was looted by angry protesters. This is after community members held a meeting and planned a protest during the weekend regarding the cancellation of roof repairing project of houses affected by the hailstorm that hit Mbombela in May.

Here are some Facebook posts on the looting of the bottle store:

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