Prayer should be done for all people

1 Timothy 2: 22 "First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be offered on behalf of all men"

The leader of the Embhuleni Tribal Council, Inkhosi Makhosonke Dlamini publicly announced his decision to be a follower of Jesus Christ.

On Sunday the traditionalist told members of his council, his family and the members of the Evangelical Gospel Church, that he is now a born-again Christian and a member of the church. He also called on Christians to pray for the South African government and traditional leaders in the country.

“I am requesting you to continuously pray for our government and traditional leaders (amakhosi) to see the light. We need to be one and we don’t need to allow the enemy to come in between us. I beseech you to pray for royal families,” said Dlamini during a service held at the royal kraal.

“It is important to pray for kings, chiefs and all leaders so that we can lead the nation in the right way. I also ask for wisdom from God as I lead because there are many temptations in leadership positions,” he stated.

Dlamini also announced his submission under the leadership of Archbishop Dr Isaac Simelane of the Evangelical Gospel Church

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