DA opens case on behalf of sexually abused women in Mbombela

Democratic Alliance leader, Mmusi Maimane assured the victims that justice will be served because it is unlawful for people to abuse their power.

Just a week after Mpumalanga News published the story: “Sex for jobs scandal,” involving a Department of Health official at Rob Ferreira Hospital allegedly involved in the sex scandal, the Democratic Alliance members together with their leader, Mmusi Maimane, took it upon themselves and intervened in this matter and sought justice for the victims.

“In what country does an interview process include sex? It is wrong on every level, whether it is in the public sector or private sector, such is wrong and that “Animal’’ must be dealt with accordingly. I am in Mpumalanga today to say, NOT IN MY NAME, ” Maimane said.

According to Maimane, they want to make an example out of the government official because he feels that as men in society they will be tarnished just because of that perpetrator. Just ahead of women’s month, a case that involves women being abused was opened today.

“I assure you that there is a case number. I will go to parliament and we will do a follow-up so that we have a clear understanding of what is happening. We cannot allow unemployed people in our country to continue to be taken advantage of in this manner, “ he concluded.

Maimane and provincial DA leader, Jane Sithole entered the Nelspruit police station earlier today and assisted them to file affidavits to enable the police to open the corruption case.

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