WATCH: Ngrayi Ngwenya instructs Mpumalanga premier to reserve posts for ANC volunteers in Nkomazi

A video surfaced where ANC Ehlanzeni regional chairperson, Ngrayi Ngwenya, asked Mpumalanga Premier Refilwe Mtsweni to reserve all post at Nkomazi Hospitals for ANC volunteers.

The DA in Mpumalanga is shocked at what it described as a bold cadre deployment within the ANC.

In the video clip, Ngwenya is seen addressing an ANC meeting attended by Mtsweni in Nkomazi where he says Mtsweni must take her time as premier and do research on vacant posts at hospitals (Shongwe and Tonga) and make sure that they are reserved for ANC volunteers.

Watch the video here:

“What Ngwenya calls for is cadre deployment which has adversely affected public service for years because most of the people deployed are not qualified for such jobs. Even the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) once reported that “ANC’s deployment strategy systematically places loyalty ahead of merit and even competence and is, therefore, a serious obstacle to efficient public service,” said the DA in a statement.

According to the DA, Ngwenya’s call discriminates against genuine, qualified jobseekers simply because they are not ANC members or volunteers. It also contravenes the Section 6(1) of the Employment Equity Act of 1998 and Section 195(1)(i) of the South African Constitution. Nkomazi is a deep rural area with a high level of unemployment where everyone – irrespective of their party affiliation – deserves equal opportunity for employment in the public sector as long as they have necessary qualification for the vacant post.

The DA in Nkomazi calls on Mtsweni to give all jobseekers a fair chance. “We hope that the premier will act according to legislation and the Constitution. Like everywhere in the country, every employable person in Nkomazi deserves a job irrespective of their party affiliation.”

The ANC provincial spokesperson, Sasekani Manzini said what is important was the response of the premier, not Ngwenya’s comments. “The premier said everyone was welcome to apply as soon as those positions are made available. She made it clear that job opportunities will be given to those whoever qualifies not to ANC member only, but everyone will be given an opportunity.”

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