Unions threaten to shut down the power utility

The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) and Solidarity are all threatening to shut down the power utility because of the 0 per cent increase in wages.

Some of the power stations affected by the strike are Arnot, Hendrina, Duvha, Kendal, Camden, Kriel, and Matla in Mpumalanga.

The president of the Numsa ‚ Andrew Chirwa‚ said Thursday’s industrial action at Eskom operations across the country is just a warning of what is to come.

READ:Eskom promises no black-out during strike

Earlier Eskom had said that its network was “constrained today due to the acts of sabotage and intimidation”. There had been “several incidents of road blockades, attacks on staff, and willful damage of electricity infrastructure”.

Also Read: Eskom stops interruptions in Govan Mbeki from today

Coal deliveries by rail deliveries and conveyor belts still continue to operate, albeit at limited capacity. Eskom will continue to provide regular updates about the state of the power system through various media platforms.

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