7 ways the environment can damage your car

Adverse environmental conditions can cause damage to your car. What environmental conditions should you avoid subjecting your vehicle to often?

Many of us drive our beloved cars everyday – day or night, rain or sunshine. But have you considered what role the weather plays in the lifespan of your vehicle?

It’s no secret that our 4-wheeled babies are very much a part of our lives – they not only go where we go, they take us to our destinations comfortably and conveniently. Very often we hear about how cars have a negative impact on the environment – it’s not often you hear the other side of the story – how the environment can affect your car.

Here are seven note-worthy environmental effects which may cause damage to your car.

  1. Long-term parking under trees
    As much as trees offer great shade, they aren’t the best option for long-term parking. Parking your car under a tree for extended periods exposes it to the different elements that fall from the trees – from bird droppings to tree sap… and sometimes, in unfortunate circumstances, debris that is more solid and damaging, like a branch.
  2. Prolonged sun exposure 
    Too much exposure to sun can cause skin damage – likewise, it can cause damage to your car. We don’t always have an option because sometimes, the only open parking spot happens to be in the sun, but, if you can, rather avoid leaving your car in the sun for extended periods. Sun damage is a common cause of body paint fading and chipping off. Try to ensure that your car is under shade and you shouldn’t have to worry too much about the costs of having to deal with cosmetic damage to your paintwork. Leaving your car in the sun can also affect the interior (think leather upholstery) and decrease your car’s battery life. Washing and waxing your car regularly will help to revive your car’s paint job!
  3. It’s like cellulite for cars…
    We’ve all found ourselves caught in the midst of a hail storm at some point in our lives. There’s always that potential that balls of ice, the size of a golf ball, will add some (not so cheeky) dimples to your car. Hail damage, once sustained, cannot be hidden without specialised panel-beating skills. Parking your car in a garage or under a roof will remove the risk of hail damage during a storm. If you can avoid being on the road, it would be ideal, otherwise do your best to get to cover as soon as possible to avoid extensive hail damage. MiWay clients receive hail storm notifications via SMS– and, if they are affected, can claim easily using MiWay’s claims wizard.
  4. “Wash me!”
    We’ve all seen a car with a “Wash me!” hint drawn onto its dusty and dirty exterior. The age-old excuse of “what’s the point of washing it if it’s going to get dirty again” is an inexcusable one when it comes to your car. Dust may take a while to become visible, but it doesn’t mean the impact of it doesn’t exist. Leaving your car dirty means that your car is more prone to miniscule scratches – dulling your paint job. Who doesn’t feel proud to be seen in a clean and shiny car?
  5. Driving in cold weather
    Experts will tell you that driving in cold weather is best for your car as performance is ideal. However, this doesn’t take away the downside of it. Cold weather has an effect on your car too – your tyre pressure fluctuates, your engine takes a while longer to heat up and fluids thicken. This is something to be conscious of, as you may need to give your car a little more attention than usual.
  6. Driving in hot weather
    To the other extreme: sometimes we can’t avoid driving in the heat – life simply has to keep moving. However, if you are going to be driving long distances in the heat, be sure to stop frequently and allow your car to catch a quick breather. Check your tyres for any adjustments that may need to be made, but be careful not to overinflate them; heat causes air to expand – which could compromise their performance.
  7. Coastal living
    With the advancement of design and technology, manufacturers have improved the elements that go into a paint job. Some cars will unfortunately still get affected by the salty atmosphere of the coast. The salt-based air eats away at the paint and accelerates rust.

Nature is a big part of our lives and certain elements can’t be avoided. However, it does help to be informed – that way you can take preventative measures where possible or make decisions that could lessen damage to your vehicle. While you’re considering what can affect your car, check your car insurance policy to see what acts of nature your insurer has covered you for.

If you’re looking to change your policy or choose a different plan, get an online insurance quote that suits your budget.

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