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The advantages of time management

Managing time isn’t about squeezing as many tasks as possible into your day, it’s about simplifying how you work.

Time is the key factor in this competition-driven world, so one should be proficient enough to manage time. If we talk about students they have a lot to cover before the year ends. The syllabus is increasing at a faster rate and without time management skills nobody will be able to win the race.

People who take time jovially usually drop. It is widely known that if you value time then time will value you and in the case of students, creating a timetable and following it is the stepping stone towards being effective, efficient and productive.

Time is something that can’t be manufactured. Managing time means understanding and managing yourself and managing yourself means doing things in time and working on time. The following are the key points or factors that can be used to manage time and use time sparingly:

  • Devote your entire focus to the task at hand
  • Prioritise tasks
  • Avoid untidiness
  • Filter your planning
  • Utilise every time slot available
  • Be organised
  • Identify where you’re wasting your time
  • Implement a time management plan
  • Turn key tasks into habits

managing time

Time management helps children prioritize tasks and accurately judge the amount of time needed to complete them. Time management allows students to take control of their lives rather than follow the flow of others, it helps them accomplish more, make better decisions and work more efficiently.  You can only harvest the advantages of time management by efficiently managing your time. Many don’t fully understand the advantages of managing their time efficiently and as such their productivity and efficiency suffer in the end.

In conclusion, we look at the benefits we get from managing our time:

Advantages of Time Management:

  • Reduces your stress level
  • Minimises procrastination
  • Augments your productivity
  • Helps you remain focused on the task

As the year begins remember that: Time wasted is never regained and time waits for no man. Manage your time wisely and enjoy the benefits of it at the end of the year.


This article was sponsored by Mathews Phosa College.

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