Tourism boosted with roads fixing

The province through the Department of Economic Development Environment and Tourism(DEDET) has commenced a series of engagements with the various tourism chambers in the province to ensure that government planning takes into consideration the priorities of the sector.

In the recent past, The Kruger Lowveld Chamber of Business and Tourism, raised concerns about the condition of many of our provincial roads, in particular roads that lead towards many tourism destinations found in the Lowveld.

The concerns are related to the importance of tourism as an anchor economic sector in Mpumalanga, and the impact of bad roads to tourism.
The Mpumalanga province realises the importance of tourism as a key economic driver. In spite of the limited resources, the province has invested on a number of roads that lead to tourism infrastructure.

Some of the projects already undertaken or planned leading to tourism infrastructure in the Lowveld in particular includes the following:

* P8/1- Phase I with rehabilitations section of road P8/1 (km 18-28) between Mashishing & Bambi ( Phase I) 10km completed.
* P8/2 –Phase II Rehabilitation of Sections of Road P8/1 between Mashishing and Bambi (N4) (Phase 2) (18 km) still in process.
* P8/2- Phase III Rehabilitation of Sections of Road P8/1 between Mashishing and Bambi (N4) (Phase 3) (18 km) – Design & Construction.
* R536 Rehabilitation Road P33/4 between Hazyview and Sabie from km 26.0 to km 43.7 (Phase 1) ( 17.7km) – Design.
* P170/1 Special Maintenance: P170/1 from km 56.0 to km 72.5 between Matibidi and Graskop (16.5 km)
* R537 White River to Sabie Routine Maintenance.
* R538 Rehabilitation: Drainage on Road P17/6 (R538) Jerusalem to R40 at Casterbridge.

The department’s Annual Maintenance Programme includes amongst others; routine maintenance activities such as grass cutting, cleaning of drains, road markings, road signs replacement and repair, and major maintenance activities includes amongst others pothole patching and resealing, shoulder repairs and slip failure repairs. Although resources are limited an effort is being made to prioritise roads serving tourism corridors.

The initiative has commenced with roads infrastructure but will eventually include other infrastructure provisions and maintenance as well. Representatives from various sectors are part of the engagements and it is hoped that government working with the sector will also find other creative ways on how more financial resources can be availed for infrastructure provision and maintenance to support tourism in the province.

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